
The DEVPKEY_DrvPkg_BrandingIcon device property represents a list of icons that associate a device instance with a vendor.

Attribute Value
Property key DEVPKEY_DrvPkg_BrandingIcon
Property-data-type identifier DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_LIST
Property access Read-only access by installation applications and installers
Localized? Yes


A branding icon can be specified as an .ico file or as a resource within an executable file.

The format of an icon list is the same as that described for the DEVPKEY_DrvPkg_Icon device property.

You can set the value of DEVPKEY_DrvPkg_BrandingIcon by an INF AddProperty directive that is included in the INF DDInstall section of the INF file that installs a device. You can retrieve the value of DEVPKEY_DrvPkg_BrandingIcon by calling CM_Get_DevNode_Property or SetupDiGetDeviceProperty.


Version: Windows Vista and later versions of Windows

Header: Devpkey.h (include Devpkey.h)

See also


INF AddProperty Directive

INF DDInstall Section
