acd (Allocated Command)

This element is used to declare an allocated command for use elsewhere in the Keyboard and Toolbar customization XML part. While ordinary fixed commands (§, fci) can take an optional numeric argument, allocated commands are fixed commands that take a Base64 MIME transfer content encoded argument.

 [Example: Consider the following allocated command declaration:

  <wne:acd wne:argValue="AAA=" wne:acdName="acd0" wne:fciBasedOn="Color"/> 

In this example, the WordprocessingML declares that the allocated command identified as acd0 is based on the Color fixed command and takes the Base64 encoded argument specified in the argValue attribute that decodes to the integer value 0.  When this allocated command is executed, it has the effect of causing Word to color the currently selected text according to its default color. end example]

Parent Elements

acds3., acds)



acdName (Allocated command name)

Specifies the friendly name for identifying this allocated command. While any valid string can be used for this name, Word writes out allocated command names in sequence of the form acd0, acd1, acd2, regardless of any name the allocated command may have been given. Consequently, a name like myacd could be specified in a file for a lone allocated command but would be written out as acd0 upon resaving the document.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§, ST_String).

argValue (Allocated Command Arguments)

Specifies the argument that should be passed to the fixed command given by the fciBasedOn and fciIndexBasedOn attributes. Its contents are Base64 MIME content transfer encoded. While there is no strict limit on the length of this Base64 encoded string, only the first 510 bytes of decoded data will be used. Invalid Base64 characters in the string (such as carriage returns or white space) are ignored on read, but Word may produce them on write.

If this attribute is not specified, an empty argument is passed to the associated fixed command, which may cause the command to do nothing on execution.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§, ST_String).

fciBasedOn (Fixed command based on)

Specifies the friendly name of the fixed command that shall be used for this allocated command. If both this attribute and fciIndexBasedOn are specified, this attribute will be used.

Only 11 fixed commands shall be used as allocated commands in Word: Borders, Color, Columns, Condensed, Expanded, FileOpenFile, FontSize, Lowered, Raised, Shading and Symbol.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§, ST_String).

fciIndexBasedOn (Index of fixed command)

Specifies the numeric index of the fixed command that shall be used for this allocated command. A table mapping the friendly names of all fixed commands (including those mentioned in fciBasedOn--the only valid fixed commands that may be used for allocated commands) may be found in Fixed Commands (§, Fixed Commands).

If both this attribute and fciBasedOn are specified, fciBasedOn will be used. The fciIndexBasedOn attribute may be converted to fciBasedOn upon resaving of the document.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_ShortHexNumber simple type (§, ST_ShortHexNumber).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

 <complexType name="CT_Acd">
   <attribute name="argValue" type="ST_String"/>
   <attribute name="fciBasedOn" type="ST_String"/>
   <attribute name="fciIndexBasedOn" type="ST_ShortHexNumber"/>
   <attribute name="acdName" type="ST_String" use="required"/>