2.1.929 Section 15.30.2, Chart Depth

a.   The standard defines chart:deep, contained within [style-chart-properties-attlist]

This is supported in core Excel 2007.

When the chart:deep attribute is "true", the chart must have a <chart:axis> element with the chart:dimension attribute equal to "z" and the chart:three-dimensional attribute must equal "true".

On load, the <style-chart-properties-attlist> element is ignored when the chart type is surface, and is always saved as "true".

This attribute must equal "false" when the chart:stacked or chart:percentage attributes are "true".

This attribute must equal "false" when the chart type is bar and the "chart:vertical" property equals "false". This attribute applies to the style of the <chart:chart> and <chart:plot-area> elements when the chart type is area or bar.