CepStream<TPayload>.ToQuery Method (Application, String, String, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)


Creates a query from the stream with an unbound output running in the specified application. All inputs to the query must be bound to adapters, sequences or other queries. The output of the query can be consumed through dynamic query composition only.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


public Query ToQuery(
    Application application,
    string queryName,
    string description,
    EventShape eventShape,
    StreamEventOrder eventOrder
Query^ ToQuery(
    Application^ application,
    String^ queryName,
    String^ description,
    EventShape eventShape,
    StreamEventOrder eventOrder
member ToQuery : 
        application:Application *
        queryName:string *
        description:string *
        eventShape:EventShape *
        eventOrder:StreamEventOrder -> Query
Public Function ToQuery (
    application As Application,
    queryName As String,
    description As String,
    eventShape As EventShape,
    eventOrder As StreamEventOrder
) As Query


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Query

The newly created query.

See Also

ToQuery Overload
CepStream<TPayload> Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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