Construct Public Format Name

This event MUST be generated with the following argument:

Return Values:

  • rReturnStatus: A status code signifying the success or failure of the raised [MS-MQDMPR] events.

  • rFormatName: The constructed format name.

The protocol MUST construct a public format name as specified in section 2.1.3 of [MS-MQMQ], as follows:

  • Initialize rPathName to iVia.

  • Remove the "net.msmq://" prefix from rPathName to create a path name

  • Generate a Read Directory event as specified in section of [MS-MQDMPR], with the following arguments.

    • iDirectoryObjectType = "Queue"

    • iFilter = An array of the following attribute-filter expressions:

      • Queue.Pathname EQUALS rPathName

    • iAttributeList : = An array of the following queue attributes:

      • Queue.Identifier

  • Set rReturnStatus to rStatus.

  • If the rStatus returned by the Read Directory event is not set to Success:

    • Set rReturnStatus equal to rStatus.

  • Set queueIdentifier to the Queue.Identifier of the returned queue object.

  • Set rFormat to the following string where queueIdentifier is replaced by its value:

    • "PUBLIC="queueIdentifier

  • Set rFormatName to rFormat.