2.1.115 [CSS-Level2-2009] Section 17.6.1, The separated borders model


The specification states:

 Value:                 <length> <length>? | inherit
 Initial:               0
 Applies to:            'table' and 'inline-table' elements
 Inherited:             yes
 Percentages:           N/A
 Media:                 visual
 Computed value:        two absolute lengths

Quirks Mode and IE7 Mode (All Versions)

The border-spacing property is not supported.


The specification states:

 The distance between the table border and the borders of the cells on the edge of 
 the table is the table's padding for that side, plus the relevant border spacing 
 distance. For example, on the right hand side, the distance is padding-right + 
 horizontal border-spacing. The width of the table is the distance from the left 
 inner padding edge to the right inner padding edge (including the border spacing 
 but excluding padding and border). However, in HTML and XHTML1, the width of the 
 <table> element is the distance from the left border edge to the right border edge.

Quirks Mode and IE7 Mode (All Versions)

Cell border spacing and table padding properties are not applied. The table display types are not supported.


The specification states:

 The lengths specify the distance that separates adjoining cell borders. If one 
 length is specified, it gives both the horizontal and vertical spacing. If two are 
 specified, the first gives the horizontal spacing and the second the vertical 
 spacing. Lengths may not be negative.

Quirks Mode and IE7 Mode (All Versions)

The border-spacing property is not supported.


The specification states:

 In this model, each cell has an individual border. The 'border-spacing' property 
 specifies the distance between the borders of adjoining cells. In this space, the 
 row, column, row group, and column group backgrounds are invisible, allowing the 
 table background to show through. Rows, columns, row groups, and column groups 
 cannot have borders (i.e., user agents must ignore the border properties for those 

Quirks Mode and IE7 Mode (All Versions)

The border-spacing property is not supported.