Pointers to Members and Virtual Functions

Invoking a virtual function through a pointer-to-member function works as if the function had been called directly; the correct function is looked up in the v-table and invoked.


The key to virtual functions working, as always, is invoking them through a pointer to a base class. (For more information about virtual functions, see Virtual Functions.)


The following code shows how to invoke a virtual function through a pointer-to-member function:

// virtual_functions.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base
virtual void Print();
void (Base ::* bfnPrint)() = &Base :: Print;
void Base :: Print()
cout << "Print function for class Base\n";

class Derived : public Base
void Print();  // Print is still a virtual function.

void Derived :: Print()
cout << "Print function for class Derived\n";

int main()
    Base   *bPtr;
    Base    bObject;
Derived dObject;
bPtr = &bObject;    // Set pointer to address of bObject.
bPtr = &dObject;    // Set pointer to address of dObject.
Print function for class Base
Print function for class Derived

See Also


Pointers to Members