2.2.4 Complex Types

The following sections specify the set of common XML Schema complex type definitions defined by this specification. XML Schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation.

The definitions of some complex types in this section make use of ABNF representation as specified in [RFC5234].

Complex types designated as error complex types and returned as responses by the protocol server MUST be formatted as SOAP Faults, as specified in [SOAP1.2-1/2007], section 5.4.

Code: MUST contain a Value subelement, which MUST be set to Sender. MAY contain a Subcode subelement.

Reason: MUST contain a Text sub-element, which MUST be ignored by the client.

Detail: MUST either contain the error complex type or empty

The following table summarizes the set of common XML schema complex type definitions defined by this specification. XML schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are described with the operation.

Complex type



The AccessControlEntryStruct complex type contains information about an access control entry (ACE).


The AccessDeniedException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a violation of access control on the metadata store. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The AccessDeniedExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a violation of access control on the metadata store. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The ActionParameterStruct complex type contains information about an ActionParameter.


The ActionStruct complex type contains information about an Action.


The AdministrationMetadataCatalogStruct contains information about a MetadataCatalog.


The ArgumentException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error that occurred because of an argument with an invalid value. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The ArgumentNullException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a NULL value in an argument which does not accept NULL values. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The ArgumentOutOfRangeException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of an argument with a value outside the range of permissible values. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The ArrayOfAccessControlEntryStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents an ACE.


The ArrayOfAssociationStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents an Association.


The ArrayOfEntityStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents an Entity.


The ArrayOfLobSystemStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents an LobSystem.


The ArrayOfLocalizedNameStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents a localized name.


The ArrayOfMethodInstanceStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents a MethodInstances.


The ArrayOfModelStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents a Model.


The ArrayOfPropertyStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents a property.


The ArrayOfString complex type represents a list of xs:string as specified in [XMLSCHEMA2].


The ArrayOfTypeDescriptorStruct complex type is a list of complex types, each of which represents a TypeDescriptor.


The ArrayOfunsignedInt complex type represents a list of xs:unsignedInt elements as specified in [XMLSCHEMA2].


The AssociationGroupStruct complex type contains information about an AssociationGroup. Each Association referenced by the AssociationReferences contained by the AssociationGroup is identified by the values in the same index of the lists associationEntityNames, associationEntityNamespaces, associationNames and associationIds.


The AssociationReferenceStruct complex type contains information about an AssociationReference.


The AssociationStruct complex type MUST contain information about an Association. A namespace at any index of the sourceEntityNamespaces element of this complex type MUST be the namespace of the Entity which the name at the same index of the sourceEntityNames element belongs to.


The BdcException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error encountered during implementation-specific operations or caused by a violation of constraints on the metadata store. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The BdcExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error encountered during implementation-specific operations or caused by a violation of constraints on the metadata store. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The ComplexValueStruct complex type MUST contain information about data types.


The ConcurrentModificationExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a concurrent modification of a MetadataObject. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The DataClassStruct complex type MUST contain information about a DataClass.


The DefaultValueStruct complex type contains details of a DefaultValue of a TypeDescriptor.


The DuplicateMetadataObjectExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error from a duplication of a MetadataObject. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The EntityStruct complex type contains information about an Entity.


The ExceededMetadataObjectLimitExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a MetadataObject exceeding an implementation-specific limit to the number of MetadataObjects it can contain or refer to. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The Exception complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The FilterDescriptorStruct complex type contains information about a FilterDescriptor.


The IdentifierStruct complex type contains information about an Identifier.


The InvalidMetadataObjectExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because a MetadataObject contained invalid attributes. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The InvalidMetadataPropertyExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because an invalid property was detected in the set of properties of a MetadataObject. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The InvalidOperationException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of an attempt to perform an operation that is invalid for the current state of the protocol server. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The LobSystemInstanceStruct complex type contains information about an LobSystemInstance.


The LobSystemStruct complex type contains information about an LobSystem.


The LocalizedNameStruct complex type contains information about a localized name.


The MetadataException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because of a syntactic or semantic violation of a MetadataModel constraint in theĀ  metadata store. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The MetadataObjectNotFoundExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because a requested MetadataObject was not found. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


This structure contains the attributes of the MetadataObject.


The MethodInstanceStruct complex type contains information about a MethodInstance.


The MethodStruct complex type contains information about a Method.


The ModelStruct complex type contains information about a Model.


The PackageFormatExceptionState complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error because a specified XML does not conform to [MS-BDCMFFS] or the MetadataModel contained within the specified XML conforming to [MS-BDCMFFS] having invalid configuration of MetadataObjects or their attributes. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4)


This structure contains the information about a Parameter.


The PropertyStruct complex type contains information about a property.


The ProxyGenerationResult complex type contains information about Business Logic Modules<1>.


The SystemException complex type is an error complex type that contains information about a protocol-server-side error. The complex type MUST only be included as part of a SOAP fault as specified in Complex Types (section 2.2.4).


The TypeDescriptorStruct complex type contains information about a TypeDescriptor.


The Version complex type MUST contain information about the version of a DataClass.