ObjectExtenders.GetExtender Method

Gets an Extender for the given object under the specified category.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


Function GetExtender ( _
    ExtenderCATID As String, _
    ExtenderName As String, _
    ExtendeeObject As Object _
) As Object
Dim instance As ObjectExtenders 
Dim ExtenderCATID As String 
Dim ExtenderName As String 
Dim ExtendeeObject As Object 
Dim returnValue As Object 

returnValue = instance.GetExtender(ExtenderCATID, _
    ExtenderName, ExtendeeObject)
Object GetExtender(
    string ExtenderCATID,
    string ExtenderName,
    Object ExtendeeObject
Object^ GetExtender(
    [InAttribute] String^ ExtenderCATID, 
    [InAttribute] String^ ExtenderName, 
    [InAttribute] Object^ ExtendeeObject
function GetExtender(
    ExtenderCATID : String, 
    ExtenderName : String, 
    ExtendeeObject : Object
) : Object


  • ExtenderCATID
    Type: System.String

    Required. The Extender's CATID.

  • ExtenderName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The Extender's name.

  • ExtendeeObject
    Type: System.Object

    Required. Represents the Extendee object instance.

Return Value

Type: System.Object
An Extender.


The GetExtender is used to obtain an Extender under the specified CATID and name for the given Extendee object. This causes ObjectExtenders to call the appropriate Extender Provider's CanExtend and GetExtender methods. If the Extendee object supports IDispatch, it calls the IExtenderProvider version of the interface. Otherwise, it calls the IExtenderProviderUnk version.

This is equivalent to calling the Extendee object's Extender property if supported.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ObjectExtenders Interface

ObjectExtenders Members

EnvDTE Namespace

Other Resources

Implementing and Using Automation Extenders