205 - OperationInvoked


Property Value
ID 205
Keywords Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
Level Information
Channel Microsoft-Windows-Application Server-Applications/Analytic


This event is emitted just before the Service Model's default OperationInvoker begins a call to a method.


An OperationInvoker invoked the '%1' method. Caller information: '%2'.


Data Item Name Data Item Type Description
Method Name xs:string The CLR name of the method that was invoked by the OperationInvoker.
Caller Information xs:string The IP address and port number of the client in the format 'IPAddress:PortNumber'. The two values are retrieved from the 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.RemoteEndpointMessageProperty' message property within the operation context. Note that for non-TCP bindings this value null.
HostReference xs:string For Web-hosted services, this field uniquely identifies the service in the Web hierarchy. Its format is defined as 'Web Site Name Application Virtual Path|Service Virtual Path|ServiceName'. Example: 'Default Web Site/CalculatorApplication|/CalculatorService.svc|CalculatorService'.
AppDomain xs:string The string returned by AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName.