How to: Create a Custom Instance Store

This topic applies to Windows Workflow Foundation 4 (WF4).

.NET Framework version 4 contains SqlWorkflowInstanceStore, an instance store that uses SQL Server to persist workflow data. If your application is required to persist workflow data to another medium, such as a different database or a file system, you can implement a custom instance store. A custom instance store is created by extending the abstract InstanceStore class and implementing the methods that are required for the implementation. For a complete implementation of a custom instance store, see the Corporate Purchase Process sample.

Implementing the BeginTryCommand method

The BeginTryCommand is sent to the instance store by the persistence engine. The type of the command parameter indicates which command is being executed; this parameter can be of the following types:

  • SaveWorkflowCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store when a workflow is to be persisted to the storage medium. The workflow persistence data is provided to the method in the InstanceData member of the command parameter.

  • LoadWorkflowCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store when a workflow is to be loaded from the storage medium. The instance ID of the workflow to be loaded is provided to the method in the instanceId parameter of the InstanceView property of the context parameter.

  • CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store when a WorkflowServiceHost must be registered as a lock owner. The instance ID of the current workflow should be provided to the instance store using BindInstanceOwner method of the context parameter.

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to implement the CreateWorkflowOwner command to assign an explicit lock owner.

    XName WFInstanceScopeName = XName.Get(scopeName, "<namespace>");
    CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand createCommand = new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand()
        InstanceOwnerMetadata =
            { WorkflowHostTypeName, new InstanceValue(WFInstanceScopeName) },
    InstanceHandle ownerHandle = store.CreateInstanceHandle();
    store.DefaultInstanceOwner = store.Execute(
    childInstance.AddInitialInstanceValues(new Dictionary<XName, object>() { { WorkflowHostTypeName, WFInstanceScopeName } });
  • DeleteWorkflowOwnerCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store when the instance ID of a lock owner can be removed from the instance store. As with CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand, the ID of the lock owner should be provided by the application.

    The following code snippet demonstrates how to release a lock using DeleteWorkflowOwnerCommand.

    static void FreeHandleAndDeleteOwner(InstanceStore store, InstanceHandle handle)
        handle = store.CreateInstanceHandle(store.DefaultInstanceOwner);
            // We need this sleep so that we dont prematurely delete the owner, we need time to update the database.
            store.Execute(handle, new DeleteWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
        catch (InstancePersistenceCommandException ex) { Log.Inform(ex.Message); }
        catch (InstanceOwnerException ex) { Log.Inform(ex.Message); }
        catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { Log.Inform(ex.Message); }
        catch (Exception ex) { Log.Inform(ex.Message); }
            store.DefaultInstanceOwner = null;

    The above method should be called in a Try/Catch block when a child instance is run.

    catch (Exception)
        throw ;
        FreeHandleAndDeleteOwner(store, ownerHandle);
  • LoadWorkflowByInstanceKeyCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store when a workflow instance is to be loaded using the workflow’s instance key. The ID of the instance key can be determined by using the LookupInstanceKey parameter of the command.

  • QueryActivatableWorkflowsCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store to retrieve activation parameters for persisted workflows in order to create a workflow host that can then load workflows. This command is sent by the engine in response to the instance store raising the HasActivatableWorkflowEvent to the host when it locates an instance that can be activated. The instance store should be polled to determine if there are workflows that can be activated.

  • TryLoadRunnableWorkflowCommand: The persistence engine sends this command to the instance store to load runnable workflow instances. This command is sent by the engine in response to the instance store raising the HasRunnableWorkflowEvent to the host when it locates an instance that can be run. The instance store should poll for workflows that can be run. The following code snippet demonstrates polling an instance store for workflows that can be run or activated.

    public void PollForEvents()
        InstanceOwner[] storeOwners = this.GetInstanceOwners();
        foreach (InstanceOwner owner in storeOwners)
            foreach (InstancePersistenceEvent ppEvent in this.GetEvents(owner))
                if (ppEvent.Equals(HasRunnableWorkflowEvent.Value))
                    bool hasRunnable = GetRunnableEvents(this.StoreId, owner.InstanceOwnerId, isActivable);
                    if (hasRunnable)
                        this.SignalEvent(ppEvent, owner);
                        this.ResetEvent(ppEvent, owner);
                else if(ppEvent.Equals(HasActivatableWorkflowEvent.Value))
                   bool hasActivable = GetActivableEvents(this.StoreId, owner.InstanceOwnerId);
                   if (hasActivable)
                        this.SignalEvent(ppEvent, owner);
                        this.ResetEvent(ppEvent, owner);

    In the above code snippet, the instance store queries the events available and examines each one to determine if it is a HasRunnableWorkflowEvent event. If one is found, SignalEvent is called to signal the host to send a command to the instance store. The following code snippet demonstrates an implementation of a handler for this command.

    If (command is TryLoadRunnableWorkflowCommand)
        Owner owner;
        CheckOwner(context, command.Name, out owner);                        
        // Checking instance.Owner is like an InstanceLockQueryResult.
        context.QueriedInstanceStore(new InstanceLockQueryResult(context.InstanceView.InstanceId, context.InstanceView.InstanceOwner.InstanceOwnerId));
        XName ownerService = null;
        InstanceValue value;
        Instance runnableInstance = default(Instance);
        bool foundRunnableInstance = false;
        value = QueryPropertyBag(WorkflowNamespace.WorkflowHostType, owner.Data);
        if (value != null && value.Value is XName)
            ownerService = (XName)value.Value;
        foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Instance> instance in MemoryStore.instances)
            if (instance.Value.Owner != Guid.Empty || instance.Value.Completed)
            if (ownerService != null)
                value = QueryPropertyBag(WorkflowNamespace.WorkflowHostType, instance.Value.Metadata);
                if (value == null || ((XName)value.Value) != ownerService)
            value = QueryPropertyBag(WorkflowServiceNamespace.SuspendReason, instance.Value.Metadata);
            if (value != null && value.Value != null && value.Value is string)
            value = QueryPropertyBag(WorkflowNamespace.Status, instance.Value.Data);
            if (value != null && value.Value is string && ((string)value.Value) == "Executing")
                runnableInstance = instance.Value;
                foundRunnableInstance = true;
            if (!foundRunnableInstance)
                value = QueryPropertyBag(XNamespace.Get("urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities/4.0/properties").GetName("TimerExpirationTime"), instance.Value.Data);
                if (value != null && value.Value is DateTime && ((DateTime)value.Value) <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                    runnableInstance = instance.Value;
                    foundRunnableInstance = true;
            if (foundRunnableInstance)
                runnableInstance.Owner = context.InstanceView.InstanceOwner.InstanceOwnerId;
                MemoryStore.instances[instance.Key] = runnableInstance;
                Dictionary<Guid, IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue>> associatedKeys = new Dictionary<Guid, IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue>>();
                Dictionary<Guid, IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue>> completedKeys = new Dictionary<Guid, IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue>>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Key> keyEntry in MemoryStore.keys)
                if (keyEntry.Value.Instance == context.InstanceView.InstanceId)
                    if (keyEntry.Value.Completed)
                        completedKeys.Add(keyEntry.Key, DeserializePropertyBag(keyEntry.Value.Metadata));
                        associatedKeys.Add(keyEntry.Key, DeserializePropertyBag(keyEntry.Value.Metadata));
            context.LoadedInstance(InstanceState.Initialized, DeserializePropertyBag(runnableInstance.Data), DeserializePropertyBag(runnableInstance.Metadata), associatedKeys, completedKeys);

    In the above code snippet, the instance store searches for runnable instances. If an instance is found, it is bound to the execution context and loaded.

Using a custom instance store

To implement a custom instance store, assign an instance of the instance store to the InstanceStore, and implement the PersistableIdle method. See the How to: Create and Run a Long Running Workflow tutorial for specifics.

A sample instance store

The following code sample is a complete instance store implementation, taken from the Corporate Purchase Process sample. This instance store persists workflow data to a file using XML.

using System;
using System.Activities.DurableInstancing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.DurableInstancing;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel.Persistence;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.WF.PurchaseProcess

    public class XmlWorkflowInstanceStore : InstanceStore
        Guid ownerInstanceID;
        public XmlWorkflowInstanceStore() : this(Guid.NewGuid())


        public XmlWorkflowInstanceStore(Guid id)
            ownerInstanceID = id;

        //Synchronous version of the Begin/EndTryCommand functions
        protected override bool TryCommand(InstancePersistenceContext context, InstancePersistenceCommand command, TimeSpan timeout)
            return EndTryCommand(BeginTryCommand(context, command, timeout, null, null));

        //The persistence engine will send a variety of commands to the configured InstanceStore,
        //such as CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand, SaveWorkflowCommand, and LoadWorkflowCommand.
        //This method is where we will handle those commands
        protected override IAsyncResult BeginTryCommand(InstancePersistenceContext context, InstancePersistenceCommand command, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue> data = null;

            //The CreateWorkflowOwner command instructs the instance store to create a new instance owner bound to the instanace handle
            if (command is CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand)
                context.BindInstanceOwner(ownerInstanceID, Guid.NewGuid());
            //The SaveWorkflow command instructs the instance store to modify the instance bound to the instance handle or an instance key
            else if (command is SaveWorkflowCommand)
                SaveWorkflowCommand saveCommand = (SaveWorkflowCommand)command;
                data = saveCommand.InstanceData;

            //The LoadWorkflow command instructs the instance store to lock and load the instance bound to the identifier in the instance handle
            else if (command is LoadWorkflowCommand)
                string fileName = IOHelper.GetFileName(this.ownerInstanceID);

                    using (FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
                        data = LoadInstanceDataFromFile(inputStream);
                        //load the data into the persistence Context
                        context.LoadedInstance(InstanceState.Initialized, data, null, null, null);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw new PersistenceException(exception.Message);

            return new CompletedAsyncResult<bool>(true, callback, state);

        protected override bool EndTryCommand(IAsyncResult result)
            return CompletedAsyncResult<bool>.End(result);

        //Reads data from xml file and creates a dictionary based off of that.
        IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue> LoadInstanceDataFromFile(Stream inputStream)
            IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue> data = new Dictionary<XName, InstanceValue>();

            NetDataContractSerializer s = new NetDataContractSerializer();

            XmlReader rdr = XmlReader.Create(inputStream);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList instances = doc.GetElementsByTagName("InstanceValue");
            foreach (XmlElement instanceElement in instances)
                XmlElement keyElement = (XmlElement)instanceElement.SelectSingleNode("descendant::key");
                XName key = (XName)DeserializeObject(s, keyElement);

                XmlElement valueElement = (XmlElement)instanceElement.SelectSingleNode("descendant::value");
                object value = DeserializeObject(s, valueElement);
                InstanceValue instVal = new InstanceValue(value);

                data.Add(key, instVal);

            return data;

        object DeserializeObject(NetDataContractSerializer serializer, XmlElement element)
            object deserializedObject = null;

            MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream();
            XmlDictionaryWriter wtr = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateTextWriter(stm);
            stm.Position = 0;

            deserializedObject = serializer.Deserialize(stm);

            return deserializedObject;

        //Saves the persistence data to an xml file.
        void Save(IDictionary<XName, InstanceValue> instanceData)
            string fileName = IOHelper.GetFileName(this.ownerInstanceID);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<XName,InstanceValue> valPair in instanceData)
                XmlElement newInstance = doc.CreateElement("InstanceValue");

                XmlElement newKey = SerializeObject("key", valPair.Key, doc);

                XmlElement newValue = SerializeObject("value", valPair.Value.Value, doc);


        XmlElement SerializeObject(string elementName, object o, XmlDocument doc)
            NetDataContractSerializer s = new NetDataContractSerializer();
            XmlElement newElement = doc.CreateElement(elementName);
            MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream();

            s.Serialize(stm, o);
            stm.Position = 0;
            StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(stm);
            newElement.InnerXml = rdr.ReadToEnd();

            return newElement;