ContentSelector Object


Use this object to select one or more items of content for display on a Web page. The content may come from customer campaigns (ads, discounts), or from custom applications built on the Content Selection Framework (CSF).

If you want to select custom content for display on your Web pages, you can use the CSF by instantiating and using ContentSelector objects. ContentSelector objects invoke different CSF pipelines to select different types of content based on the dictionary passed to the GetContent method.

ProgID:   Commerce.ContentSelector (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CContentSelector
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 CSF Pipeline Component 1.0 Type Library
DLL Name:   CSFComp.dll
Threading Model:   Both

The ContentSelector object implements all of the methods and properties of the Dictionary object, only the method not inherited from the Dictionary object is shown in the following table.

Method Description
GetContent Executes a Content Selection pipeline. The pipeline selects one or more content items. The selected content items are stored in a SimpleList object, formatted as strings of HTML or XML.


The Context dictionary maintains a reference to a ContentSelector object in its ContextProfile entry. This ContentSelector object is used to pass arbitrary properties to the pipeline components. Arbitrary properties can be associated with the ContentSelector object because it inherits from the Dictionary object.

See Also

Content Selection Objects

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