ListSheet HTC Styles

The following styles are associated with the ListSheet HTC, using the class and id attributes. Add the "listsheet" class attribute value to an element to create a ListSheet HTC instance.

Class Styles


Associates an element with the DHTML behavior implemented in the file

.listSheet .lsPageButton

Defines style characteristics used when rendering page buttons in a ListSheet HTC.

.listSheet .lsPageText

Defines style characteristics used when rendering page number text box in a ListSheet HTC.

.listSheet .lsSelectButtons

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the selection buttons in a ListSheet HTC.


Associates an element with the DHTML behavior implemented in the file This is a stripped down version of the ListSheet that does not support hierarchical lists, paging or multi-selection. This HTC is embedded within the ListEditor HTC.

.listSheetF TR

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a data table row in the ListSheet HTC used in the ListEditor HTC.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the scrollable area containing rows of data in a ListSheet HTC.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the column resizing controls in the heading row of a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle .lsNoSort

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a non-sortable column heading within a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle .lsRowClosed TD

Defines style characteristics used when rendering normal table cells in a closed row of a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle .lsSortButton

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a column heading sort button in a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle TD.lsCell SPAN

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a data-bound span within a table cell in a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle TD.lsCell SPAN.bdexpandicon

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a expand icon span within a table cell in a ListSheet HTC. This renders as a right arrow when the group is closed and a down arrow when the group is expanded.

.lsTableStyle TD.lsObjectCell

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a sub-object table cell in the detail row of a two-tiered ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle TH.lsCell

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a table heading cell within a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle THEAD TR

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a table heading row within a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle TR TR.lsRowClosed TD

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a normal table cell within a closed row in a ListSheet HTC.

.lsTableStyle TR.lsRowOver

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a table row within a ListSheet HTC when the mouse is hovering over it.

.lsTableStyle TR.lsRowSelected, .lsTableStyle TR.lsRowSelected INPUT

Defines style characteristics used when rendering a selected table row within a ListSheet HTC, including one that contains a single-line text box (an HTML INPUT element of type "password" is used to display data in a password type column so that "*" characters are displayed instead of the password text).


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the table within a ListSheet HTC.

TABLE.selected #objectTable TR .lsCell

Defines style characteristics used when rendering cells within a sub-object table under a selected row in a ListSheet HTC.

TABLE.selected #objectTable TR TH.lsNoSort

Defines style characteristics used when rendering table heading cells as non-sortable in a sub-object table under a selected row in a ListSheet HTC.

TABLE.selected TD.lsCell

Defines style characteristics used when rendering normal data cells within a selected table within a ListSheet HTC.

#objectTable TR TH.lsNoSort

Defines style characteristics used when rendering table heading cells as non-sortable within a detail row in a sub-object table within a ListSheet HTC.

.selected, .selected INPUT

Defines style characteristics used when rendering ListSheet HTC elements that are in selected rows, and single line text boxes that are children of such elements (password columns are displayed using an INPUT element set to type "password" so the value is replaces with "*" characters).

.wait DIV, .wait SPAN, .wait TD, .wait TH, .wait BUTTON, .wait INPUT

Defines style characteristics used when rendering elements that are of the "wait" class, and DIV elements, spans, normal table cells, table heading cells, buttons, and single line text boxes that are children of such elements. This class is used to add a wait cursor to all elements of a ListSheet when it is loading.


Defines style characteristics used when rendering the wait display in the content pane, ExpressionBuilder HTC, or ListSheet HTC.

ID Styles

.listSheet #btnSelectAll, .listSheet #btnUnselectAll

Defines style characteristics used when rendering the Select All and the Deselect All buttons in a ListSheet HTC.

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