RenderUnorderedList - Solution Sites Routine

This function prepares the HTML that will render an unordered list from the data in the passed array. In other words, a series of LI elements wrapped in a UL element.


Function RenderUnorderedList(
  byVal arrItem,
  byVal sty)


  • arrItem
    An array of data for which each contained element will be wrapped in an LI element.
  • sty
    A string containing a space-separated list of "attribute=value" pairs appropriate for the FONT element, within which each item within the array specified by the arrItem parameter will be wrapped. This string, if non-empty, must begin with a space character.

Return Value

A string containing the HTML that will render the data specified by the arrItem parameter as an unordered list, where the font of each list item is styled as specified by the sty parameter.

Defined in File


Routines Called


Called By


Main (error\baditem.asp)

Main (error\badurl.asp)

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