CatalogSearchOptions Class (BCL)

A CatalogSearchOptions object can be provided to catalog methods that perform a database search to specify which records to return, how to sort the result set, and so on. Note that not all methods respect all of the settings. When the site is run in Debug mode or Checked mode, a warning message will be logged to the active DebugContext object whenever a setting has been made that cannot be respected.


Public Instance Constructor

Constructor Description
CatalogSearchOptions Constructor Creates a new instance of the CatalogSearchOptions class.
CatalogSearchOptions Constructor(CatalogSearchOptions) Creates a new instance of the CatalogSearchOptions class with the data in the searchOptions parameter.


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
SetPaging(Int32, Int32) Sets the StartingRecord and RecordsToRetrieve properties based on the supplied page number and page size.


Public Instance Properties

Property Description
CacheKey Gets a cache key string that can be used as a part of a cache key when caching query results.
ClassTypes Gets or sets a CatalogClassType value that specifies the class type(s) to return from a query.
PropertiesToReturn Gets or sets the comma-delimited list of property names that should be returned in a query result set.
PropertiesToReturnArray Gets or sets the array of properties that should be returned in a query result set.
RecordsToRetrieve Gets or sets the number of records to retrieve.
SortAscending Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
SortProperty Gets the sort property.
StartingRecord Gets the starting record property.



Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

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