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SiteConfig Object


Use this object to accomplish the following:

  • Create or delete site configuration information

  • Save any updated site configuration information to the Administration database

  • Load site configuration information from the Administration database

  • Import resource configuration data to a site and export resource configuration data from a site

ProgID:   Commerce.SiteConfig (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   SiteConfig
COM Interface Name:   _SiteConfig
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Configuration Type Library
DLL Name:   MSCSCfg.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

In C++, use the _SiteConfig interface to access the properties and methods of the SiteConfig object.

The single property of the SiteConfig object is shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
Fields Fields Returns configuration fields, some of which hold configuration settings of resources.

This property is read-write.

The methods of the SiteConfig object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
AddRefToGroupComponent Adds a reference to a global resource so that a site can access that resource.
CreateComponentConfig Creates and writes configuration information for the specified resource to the Administration database.
DeleteComponentConfig Deletes configuration information for the specified resource.
DeleteSQLScript Deletes the specified SQL script file from the Administration database.
ExportResource Writes the specified resource, resource properties, and attributes to the specified file.
GetAppsInSite Gets a list of Commerce Server 2000 applications for the specified site.
GetIfCollection Use this method to convert values read from the Fields property, if appropriate, into either a SimpleList object or a Variant Array.
GetResourcePropAttrib Gets a dictionary of key/value pairs that denote the attributes of the specified property of the specified resource.
GetSQLScript Gets the specified SQL script file from the Administration database.
ImportResource Reads the specified resource, resource properties, and attributes from the specified file, and writes them to the Commerce Server 2000 database.
Initialize Loads the site configuration data from the Administration database.
MakeArrayFromSimpleList Converts the specified SimpleList object into an Array.
MakeArrayFromString Converts values read from the Fields property into an Array.
MakeSimpleListFromArray Converts an Array into a SimpleList object.
MakeStringFromArray Converts an Array into an encoded string that can be written to the Fields property.
MakeStringFromSimpleList Converts a SimpleList object into an encoded string that can be written to the Fields property.
PutSQLScript Puts the specified SQL script file into the Administration database.
SaveConfig Saves the site configuration settings to the Administration database.


Depending on how you add your own custom resource, you should be able to use this object to access configuration settings from the Administration database.

See Also

Configuration Objects

Integrating Cutom Resources

GlobalConfig Object

SiteConfigReadOnly Object

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