UnityContainerBase.BuildUp<T> Method (T)

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Run an existing object through the container and perform injection on it.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Practices.Unity
Assembly:  Microsoft.Practices.Unity (in Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll)


Public Function BuildUp(Of T) ( _
    existing As T _
) As T
public T BuildUp<T>(
    T existing
generic<typename T>
virtual T BuildUp(
    T existing
) sealed
JScript does not support generic types or methods.


  • existing
    Type: T
    Instance to build up.

Type Parameters

  • T
    Type of object to perform injection on.

Return Value

The resulting object. By default, this will be existing, but container extensions may add things like automatic proxy creation which would cause this to return a different object (but still type compatible with T).


This method is useful when you don't control the construction of an instance (ASP.NET pages or objects created via XAML, for instance) but you still want properties and other injection performed.

This overload uses the default registrations.

See Also

UnityContainerBase Class

BuildUp Overload

Microsoft.Practices.Unity Namespace