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IUnityContainer.RegisterInstance<TInterface> Method (TInterface)

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The latest Unity Application Block information can be found at the Unity Application Block site.

Register an instance with the container.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Practices.Unity
Assembly:  Microsoft.Practices.Unity (in Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll)


Function RegisterInstance(Of TInterface) ( _
    instance As TInterface _
) As IUnityContainer
IUnityContainer RegisterInstance<TInterface>(
    TInterface instance
generic<typename TInterface>
IUnityContainer^ RegisterInstance(
    TInterface instance
JScript does not support generic types or methods.


  • instance
    Type: TInterface
    Object to returned.

Type Parameters

  • TInterface
    Type of instance to register (may be an implemented interface instead of the full type).

Return Value

The UnityContainer object that this method was called on (this in C#, Me in Visual Basic).


Instance registration is much like setting a type as a singleton, except that instead of the container creating the instance the first time it is requested, the user creates the instance ahead of type and adds that instance to the container.

This overload does a default registration and has the container take over the lifetime of the instance.

See Also

IUnityContainer Interface

RegisterInstance Overload

Microsoft.Practices.Unity Namespace