Excel Services REST API

This section contains information about the Representational State Transfer (REST) API in Excel Services and explains how to use it.


The Excel Services REST API for SharePoint Online will no longer be supported for Microsoft 365 accounts from February 28th, 2022 forward. Instead, please use the REST API that’s part of the Microsoft Graph endpoint.

Excel Services REST API Overview

Learn about the REST API in Excel Services.

Basic URI Structure and Path

Learn how to construct the URI structure and path for the REST service commands in Excel Services.

Discovery in Excel Services REST API

Learn about the discovery mechanisms built into the REST API in Excel Services.

Resources URI for Excel Services REST API

Learn the entities that you can link directly to by using the REST API in Excel Services.

Getting Ranges Using Atom Feed and HTML Fragment

Learn to access ranges—Atom feeds and HTML fragments—by using the REST API in Excel Services.

Sample URI For Excel Services REST API

Provides a sample URI for the REST service commands in Excel Services.

Accessing a Schema

Learn how to access and look at a schema for the REST service in Excel Services.

Unsupported Features in Excel Services REST API

Lists some of the more important features that are currently not supported or working in the Excel Services REST API.

Advanced Scenarios and Additional Samples

Describes some advanced REST scenarios and provides links to additional samples.