Fonts Linking Registry Settings (Compact 2013)

April 19, 2017

The following registry key links a base font to a link font. In this code example, the OS design developer selected MSGothic, a Japanese-specific font, when building the run-time image. When searching for a character, the base font is searched first followed by the linked font. This enables you to support a larger variety of characters in a font without switching.

    "Arial"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
    "Microsoft Logo"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
    "Times New Roman"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS Gothic"
    "Tahoma"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
    "Courier New"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
    "Symbol"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS Gothic"
    "Kino MT"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS Gothic"

If multiple fonts need to be included in the same image, all those fonts should be linked to the base font. The example registry to include the MS UI Gothic, PmingLiU, Microsoft JhengHei, Microsoft YaHei, Malgun Gothic, and mangal fonts is shown below.

"Arial"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;
"Courier New"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;
"Segoe UI"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;
"Symbol"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;
"Tahoma"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;
"Times New Roman"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc, MS UI Gothic;
\\Windows\\msjh.ttf,Microsoft JhengHei;
\\Windows\\msyh.ttf,Microsoft YaHei;
\\Windows\\malgun.ttf,Malgun Gothic;

The following registry key specifies the characters to skip in the base font in favor of the linked font.


The following registry key sets the end user-defined character (EUDC) font for the system.


See Also


Fonts Registry Settings
General Fonts Registry Settings
System Fonts Registry Settings