ShowPositionControls (Compact 7)


This property specifies whether the position controls appear on the control bar. This property is read/write.


MediaPlayer.ShowPositionControls [ = bShowPosition ]


  • bShowPosition
    Boolean value specifying whether the position controls appear on the control bar. If true and ShowControls is also true, the position controls are visible. The default value is true.


The position controls consist of four buttons:

  • Skip Back: Jumps to the previous clip in the playlist.
  • Rewind: Scans rapidly backward through the current clip.
  • Fast Forward: Scans rapidly forward through the current clip.
  • Skip Forward: Jumps to the next clip in the playlist.

This property specifies whether the position controls appear on the control bar. The control bar itself is displayed or hidden by setting the ShowControls property.

This property can affect the overall width of the Windows Media Player control. In some cases the width of the control bar defines the overall width of the Windows Media Player control. Adding position controls increases the width of the control bar.


   This property specifies the visibility of the position controls. The EnablePositionControls property determines whether the position controls are active or disabled.

See Also


Windows Media Player Properties