Opening a Run-Time Image for the Device Emulator (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


After you have created a run-time image based on the Device Emulator BSP, you can then download the run-time image to the Device Emulator on your development workstation.

To open a Device Emulator run-time image

  1. Open Visual Studio with the Microsoft Platform Builder add-in.

  2. From the File menu, choose Open.

  3. In the Files of Type box, select Kernel Files (.bin; .cem; .lst; .nb0; .dio).

  4. Navigate to the %_FLATRELEASEDIR% directory that contains the compiled files for the run-time image.

  5. Select the run-time image named nk.bin, and then choose Open.

    If you attempt to download an invalid image, Windows Embedded CE silently halts the download process. To view debug messages that describe the download events, configure the Device Emulator to create a text console window for serial port 1. For more information about this, see Configuring Property Settings for the Device Emulator.

See Also

Other Resources

Device Emulator