Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware Namespace

Provides hardware features for developing embedded device firmware.


Name Description
Public Class Battery Provides methods for querying the state of the device's battery.
Public Class Battery.ChargerModel Contains information describing the battery charger.
Public Class Cpu Provides access to CPU-specific functionality.
Public Class HardwareProvider Provides access to hardware capability information.
Public Class I2CDevice Represents an instance of the I2C interface for an I2C device.
Public Class I2CDevice.Configuration Represents a configuration for an I2C interface object.
Public Class I2CDevice.I2CReadTransaction Represents an I2C transaction that reads from the addressed device.
Public Class I2CDevice.I2CTransaction Represents an I2C transaction.
Public Class I2CDevice.I2CWriteTransaction Represents an I2C transaction that writes to the addressed device.
Public Class InputPort Represents an instance of an input port that can be used to read the value of a GPIO pin.
Public Class InterruptPort Represents an interrupt port.
Public Class LargeBuffer Allows you to create a byte array that is larger than the size that is allowed by the managed heap, and enables transferring large data items to and from native code.
Public Class LargeBufferMarshaller Enables marshalling of LargeBuffer objects to and from native code.
Public Class NativeEventDispatcher Coordinates the dispatching of hardware events.
Public Class OutputPort Sets the value of a GPIO pin for an instance of the OutputPort class.
Public Class Port Constitutes the input/output (I/O) port base class for managing General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins, containing the necessary logic to handle read and write requests.
Public Class PowerEvent Contains information about a power event.
Public Class PowerState Encapsulates the power management functionality of the .NET Micro Framework.
Public Class SleepEvent Contains information about a sleep event.
Public Class SPI Represents an instance of the Microwire/SPI interface for a Microwire/SPI device.
Public Class SPI.Configuration Represents the configuration for an SPI interface.
Public Class SystemInfo Provides information about this system.
Public Class SystemInfo.SystemID Stores information that is unique to each individual hardware system (device).
Public Class TristatePort Represents an instance of the TristatePort class.
Public Class Utility Provides a collection of helper functions you can use to configure settings for security, collections, driver manipulation, time, and idle CPU usage.
Public Class Watchdog Determines the watchdog behavior.
Public Class WatchdogEvent The object that is sent during Watchdog events.
Public Class WatchdogException An exception that will be thrown if the watchdog timer fires and the watchdog behavior is set to DebugBreak_Managed.


Name Description
Public Delegate GPIOInterruptEventHandler Denotes a delegate that is invoked when an interrupt occurs.
Public Delegate LargeBufferMarshaller.LargeBufferEventHandler Delegate method for the OnLargeBufferRequest event.
Public Delegate NativeEventHandler A multicast (combinable) delegate that defines the event handler for a native event.
Public Delegate PowerLevelChangeEventHandler The event handler delegate for the PowerState.OnPowerLevelChange event.
Public Delegate RebootEventHandler The event handler delegate for the PowerState.OnRebootEvent.
Public Delegate SleepChangeEventHandler The event handler delegate for the OnSleepChange event.


Name Description
Public Enumeration Button Values used to identify the meaning of a button.
Public Enumeration Cpu.Pin Indentifies the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins.
Public Enumeration Cpu.PinUsage A list of values used to define the usage of a hardware pin.
Public Enumeration Cpu.PinValidInterruptMode Values defining valid interrupt modes for a pin.
Public Enumeration Cpu.PinValidResistorMode Values defining valid resistor modes for a pin.
Public Enumeration HardwareEvent Defines named event flags to specify which events cause the system to awake from a sleep state.
Public Enumeration Port.InterruptMode Contains the values you use to set the port interrupt mode. There are six port interrupt modes to choose from.
Public Enumeration Port.ResistorMode Specifies the various port resistor modes.
Public Enumeration PowerEventType Indicates what type of power event occurred.
Public Enumeration PowerLevel Defines the names of the default power state levels for a .NET Micro Framework device.
Public Enumeration SleepEventType Indicates what type of sleep event occurred.
Public Enumeration SleepLevel Defines the default named sleep levels for the .NET Micro Framework.
Public Enumeration SPI.SPI_module Contains the values that indicate which SPI bus is used for the transaction.
Public Enumeration WatchdogBehavior Defines named ways that the system can handle watchdog events.