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ISpThreadTask::ThreadProc (SAPI 5.4)

Microsoft Speech API 5.4


ISpThreadTask::ThreadProc implements the main processing loop of the thread. This method will be application specific.

   void                 *pvTaskData,
   HANDLE                hExitThreadEvent,
   HANDLE                hNotifyEvent,
   HWND                  hwndWorker,
   volatile const BOOL  *pfContinueProcessing
) = 0;


  • pvTaskData
    [in] Pointer passed to ISpTaskManager::CreateThreadControl.
  • hExitThreadEvent
    [in, out] An event handle which when signaled indicates that the thread process should exit.
  • hNotifyEvent
    [in] A handle to an auto-reset event object that will be set if the ISpThreadControl::Notify method is called. This functionality is provided for any notification event the client determines, or it can optionally be ignored if it is not needed.
  • hwndWorker
    [in] A window handle. This parameter will be NULL if the caller of ISpThreadControl::StartThread passed a NULL HWND pointer to StartThread.
  • pfContinueProcessing
    [in] Boolean flag indicating whether to continue processing. TRUE indicates the process should continue; FALSE otherwise. This mirrors the functionality of the hExitThreadEvent, but provides a lightweight mechanism for checking for a request to exit without calling a Win32 WaitForxxx object function.

Return values

S_OK Function completed successfully.
S_FAILED Function failed.