Selectors and combinators

This section contains a list of selectors available for cascading style sheets.



  • :active   Sets the style of an A element when the link is engaged or active.

  • ::after Defines generated content that appears after an element.

  • ::before Defines generated content that appears before an element.

  • :checked Applies one or more styles to the form control element that is selected.

  • :disabled Applies one or more styles to the form control element that is disabled.

  • :empty Applies one or more styles to the element that has no child elements (including text nodes).

  • :first-child   Applies one or more styles to any element that is the first child of its parent.

  • :first-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the first sibling element of its type.

  • :focus Sets the style of an element when it gains focus.

  • :hover   Sets the style of an element when the user rests the pointer on the element.

  • :indeterminate Applies one or more styles to radio buttons and check boxes whose toggle states cannot be determined

  • :lang In a document, selects the elements that are in a given language.

  • :last-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the last child element of its parent element.

  • :link   Sets the style of an A element when the link has not been visited recently.

  • :not Applies one or more styles to elements that do not match the simple selector.

  • :nth-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the nth child of its parent element.

  • :nth-last-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the nth child of its parent element, counting from the last one.

  • :nth-last-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the nth sibling of its type, counting from the last one.

  • :nth-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the nth sibling of its type.

  • :only-child Applies one or more styles to the element that is the last sibling element of its type.

  • :only-of-type Applies one or more styles to the element that is the only sibling element of its type.

  • :root Applies one or more styles to the element that is the root element of the document.

  • :target Applies one or more styles to the target element of of the referring Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

  • :visited   Sets the style of an A element when the link has been visited recently.


  • ::after Defines generated content that appears after an element.

  • ::before Defines generated content that appears before an element.

  • :first-letter Pseudo-element   Applies one or more styles to the first letter of the object.

  • :first-line Pseudo-element   Applies one or more styles to the first line of the object.

  • ::selection Applies one or more styles to any text on the page that the user has highlighted.


  • Adjacent sibling   Specifies an adjacent sibling relationship between selector elements.

  • Child   Specifies a direct descendant relationship between selector elements.

  • Descendant   Specifies a relationship between an ancestor selector element and a descendent element (child, grandchild, great-grandchild, and so on).

  • General sibling   Specifies a general sibling relationship between selector elements.

See also


Cascading style sheet reference
Understanding selectors
Properties by category

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