

This function is used to obtain extra information that may be supplied with a gesture message. The presence and size of any extra arguments can be determined by examining the cbExtraArguments field in the GESTUREINFO structure retrieved by calling TKGetGestureInfo.


BOOL TKGetGestureExtraArguments 
        HGESTUREINFO hGestureInfo,
        UINT cbExtraArguments,
        PBYTE pExtraArguments


  • hGestureInfo
    [in] The gesture information handle, HGESTUREINFO, obtained from the lparam of the WM_GESTURE window message.
  • cbExtraArguments
    [in] The size of the buffer passed by the client to retrieve the gesture details, obtained from the cbExtraArguments field of the GESTUREINFO structure.
  • pExtraArguments
    [out] Pointer to a BYTE array of size cbExtraArguments that will receive the extra information.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.

If the function fails, the return value is FALSE and the application can use GetLastError to retrieve more specific error information. The following table shows possible return values for the GetLastError function.

Value Description


Returned if no extra data is available to return. This also may indicate insufficient buffer size


pExtraArguments = NULL or hGestureInfo is not valid.


The client application can check the cbExtraArguments field of the GESTUREINFO structure to see if a TKGetGestureExtraArguments call is needed.

The application typically will look at the cbExtraArguments field and if it is not zero it will fill out the BYTES buffer. The client application will then interpret this memory buffer as documented for that particular gesture message.


Header Gesture.h

See Also

Other Resources

Using Gestures in Windows Mobile 6.5