2.2 Uncompressed OAB Display Template File

 The display template file specifies how to display Address Book objects and e-mail addresses to the client. The display template file is a package that wraps the template for creating e-mail addresses, known as the address creation template, and the template for displaying Address Book object information. For more details about the address creation template and the template for displaying Address book object information, see [MS-OXOABKT].

The following ABNF definition specifies the format of an uncompressed display template file.

 template-file       =    OAB_HDR mail-user-template
                          forum-template agent-template
                          address-templates data
 mail-user-template  =    TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; display template for mailboxes
 distribution-list-template = TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; display template for distribution lists
 forum-template      =     TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; display template for public folders
 agent-template      =    TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; display template for mail agents
 organization-template =   TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; SHOULD be set to all zeros.
 private-distributionlist-template = TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; SHOULD be set to all zeros.
 remote-mailuser-template = TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; display template for external e-mail
                          ; addresses
 address-templates    =   oot-count *(address-creation-template)
 oot-count            =   %x00000000-%xFFFFFFFF
                          ; 32 bits of data
 address-creation-template   =   TMPLT_ENTRY
                          ; an address creation display template
 data                     =   *(OCTET)
                          ; unstructured data section

All the fields in the subsections of this section that start with an 'o' indicate an offset from the beginning of the file into the unstructured data section.