
DAV property names: urn:schemas:calendar:responserequested, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/response_requested

Data type: PtypBoolean ([MS-OXCDATA] section

The PidTagResponseRequested property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.930) gets or sets a value that indicates whether the originator of the meeting requested a response. True if a response is requested; otherwise, false.

This property corresponds to the RSVP property, as specified in [MS-OXCICAL] section

For outgoing meeting requests, if the value for the PidTagResponseRequested property is "TRUE", the iCalendar RSVP property of all attendees SHOULD be set to "TRUE", or if the value for the PidTagResponseRequested property is "FALSE", the RSVP property of all attendees SHOULD be set to "FALSE". For incoming meeting requests, if the iCalendar RSVP property of any attendee is "TRUE", then the PidTagResponseRequested property SHOULD be set to "TRUE", or if RSVP for all attendees is "FALSE", then the PidTagResponseRequested property SHOULD be set to "FALSE".