4.2 Setting the Recurrence Pattern for a Recurring Meeting

The examples in this section demonstrate some sample recurrence patterns that can be described by using child elements of the Recurrence element (section in command requests and responses that contain a meeting request for a recurring meeting.

To set a recurrence to occur on the 15th day of every month, use the following values:

Type element (section value = 2

Interval element (section value = 1

DayOfMonth element (section value = 15

To set a recurrence to occur on the 31st day of every other month, use the following values:

Type element value = 2

Interval element value = 2

DayOfMonth element value = 31

To set a recurrence to occur every weekday for one week, use the following values:

Type element value = 0

Interval element value = 1

Occurrences element (section value = 5

DayOfWeek element (section value = 62