RopPublicFolderIsGhosted ROP Success Response Buffer

The following descriptions define valid fields for the success response buffer of the RopPublicFolderIsGhosted ROP ([MS-OXCROPS] section

IsGhosted: Contains a Boolean value that is TRUE when the server is not an active replica of the public folder; otherwise, FALSE. Other fields are included in the response only when the IsGhosted field is set to TRUE.

ServersCount: Identifies the number of strings contained in the Servers field. This field is present if the IsGhosted field is set to TRUE and is not present otherwise.

CheapServersCount: Identifies the number of entries at the front of the list that have the same lowest network cost. This value MUST be less than or equal to ServersCount and MUST be greater than zero if ServersCount is greater than zero. This field is present if the IsGhosted field is set to TRUE and is not present otherwise.

Servers: Contains an array of null-terminated ASCII strings. Each string is the ESSDN of a public folder database that itself hosts an active replica of the content of the folder. The number of strings MUST be equal to the value specified in the ServersCount field. The entries are sorted by the server's interpretation of the network cost for each entry in the list.

This field is present if the IsGhosted field is set to TRUE and is not present otherwise.