
This algorithm checks if the next few characters in the specified string and index have an 8-character, 7-character, 6-character, 5-character, 4-character, 3-character, or 2-character contraction sequence. If true, these characters are given just one character weight. This algorithm also handles the Hangiran special character sequence.

 COMMENT SortkeyContractionHandler 
 COMMENT  On Entry: SourceString – Source Unicode String
 COMMENT            SourceIndex – Current index within source string
 COMMENT            HasHungarianSpecialCharacterSequence: Is the character that the current COMMENT               index points to
 COMMENT               the starting of the Hungarian special character sequence
 COMMENT            ContractionType: The contraction type, from 2-character to 8-character COMMENT                             contraction, to be checked against
 COMMENT            UnicodeWeights  - String of UnicodeWeightType to 
 COMMENT                               append additional weight(s) to
 COMMENT            DiacriticWeights - String of Diacritic Weight to 
 COMMENT                               append extra weight(s) to if 
 COMMENT                               needed
 COMMENT            CaseWeights  - String of Case Weight to 
 COMMENT                               append special weight(s) to
 COMMENT                               if needed
 COMMENT  On Exit: Result: a string to indicate the type of contraction from the specified COMMENT                   string
 COMMENT             UnicodeWeights  - The UnicodeWeight of the
 COMMENT                               processed character(s) is 
 COMMENT                               appended to this string.
 COMMENT             DiacriticWeights    - The Diacritic weight, if any, of 
 COMMENT                               the processed character(s) is 
 COMMENT                               appended to this string.
 COMMENT             CaseWeights  - The Case Weight, if any, 
 COMMENT                               of the processed character(s) 
 COMMENT                               is appended to this string.
 PROCEDUE SortkeyContractionHandler (IN SortLocale: LCID,
      IN SourceString: Unicode String,
      IN SourceIndex: 32-bit integer,
      IN HasHungarianSpecialCharacterSequence: boolean
      IN ContractionType: integer number from 2 to 8
      INOUT UnicodeWeights: string of UnicodeWeightType
      INOUT DiacriticWeights: string of BYTE
      INOUT CaseWeights: string of BYTE)
 Result: CharacterWeightType
 IF HasHungarianSpecialCharacterSequence is true THEN
     COMMENT The beginning of Hungarian special character sequence, 
     COMMENT advance one character before starting to check for contraciton sequence
     SET SourceIndex to SourceIndex + 1
 IF SourceIndex + ContractionType is greater than or equal to SourceString.Length THEN
     SET Result to null
     RETURN false
 COMMENT Search for the character in the character contraction table
 COMMENT Search for contraction section based on ContractionType
 CASE ContractionType
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\EIGHT from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\SEVEN from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\SIX from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\FIVE from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\FOUR from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\THREE from unisort.txt
 OPEN SECTION ContractionTable where name is
           SORTTABLES\COMPRESSION\LCID[SortLocale]\TWO from unisort.txt
 COMMENT Contraction table might not be found if locale doesn't have them
 IF ContractionTable is null THEN
     SET Result to null
     RETURN false
 CASE ContractionType
           SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
                WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
                WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
                WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2] and
                WHERE field 4 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 3] and
                WHERE field 5 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 4] and
                WHERE field 6 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 5] and
                WHERE field 7 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 6] and
                WHERE field 8 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 7]
           COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
           IF ContractionRow is null THEN
               SET Result to null
           RETURN false
           COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
           SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field9
           SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field10
           SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field11
           SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field12
           SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
               WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
               WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
               WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2] and
               WHERE field 4 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 3] and
               WHERE field 5 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 4] and
               WHERE field 6 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 5] and
               WHERE field 7 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 6]
            COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
            IF ContractionRow is null THEN
               SET Result to null
               RETURN false
            COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
            SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field8
            SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field9
            SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field10
            SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field11
        SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
           WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
           WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
           WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2] and
           WHERE field 4 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 3] and
           WHERE field 5 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 4] and
           WHERE field 6 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 5]
        COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
        IF ContractionRow is null THEN
           SET Result to null
           RETURN false
        COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
        SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field7
        SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field8
        SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field9
        SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field10
        SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
           WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
           WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
           WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2] and
           WHERE field 4 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 3] and
           WHERE field 5 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 4]
        COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
        IF ContractionRow is null THEN
           SET Result to null
           RETURN false
        COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
        SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field6
        SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field7
        SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field8
        SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field9
        SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
           WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
           WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
           WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2] and
           WHERE field 4 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 3]
        COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
        IF ContractionRow is null THEN
           SET Result to null
           RETURN false
        COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
        SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field5
        SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field6
        SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field7
        SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field8
       SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
           WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
           WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1] and
           WHERE field 3 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 2]
       COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
       IF ContractionRow is null THEN
           SET Result to null
           RETURN false
       COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
       SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field4
       SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field5
       SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field6
       SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field7
        SELECT RECORD ContractionRow FROM ContractionTable
           WHERE field 1 matches SourceString[SourceIndex] and
           WHERE field 2 matches SourceString[SourceIndex + 1]
        COMMENT If this sequence isn't a contraction then one will not be found
        IF ContractionRow is null THEN
            SET Result to null
            RETURN false
        COMMENT Found a contraction, get its weights
        SET Result.ScriptMember to ContractionRow.Field3
        SET Result.PrimaryWeight to ContractionRow.Field4
        SET Result.DiacriticWeight to ContractionRow.Field5
        SET Result.CaseWeight to ContractionRow.Field6
 SET UnicodeWeight to 
    CorrectUnicodeWeight(Result, IsKoreanLocale)
 APPEND UnicodeWeight to UnicodeWeights
 APPEND Result.DiacriticWeight to DiacriticWeights as a BYTE
 APPEND Result.CaseWeight to CaseWeights as a BYTE
 COMMENT Advance the source index
 SET SourceIndex to SourceIndex + ContractionType
 RETURN true