RopGetPropertiesAll ROP Request Buffer

The following descriptions define valid fields for the RopGetPropertiesAll ROP request buffer ([MS-OXCROPS] section

PropertySizeLimit (2 bytes):  An integer that specifies the maximum size allowed for a property value. If this value is zero, the property values are limited only by the size of the ROP response buffer. If this value is nonzero, the property values are limited both by the size of the ROP response buffer and by the value of the PropertySizeLimit field.

WantUnicode (2 bytes):  A Boolean value that is nonzero if string properties that are requested with PtypUnspecified ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1) as the property type are to be encoded in the Unicode format in the ROP response buffer. If WantUnicode is set to zero, the string properties that are requested with PtypUnspecified as the property type are to be encoded in MBCS format.