
If the client wants to synchronize SMS messages for a given folder, the airsync:Options block of the Sync command request includes the airsync:Class element ([MS-ASCMD] section set to the value "SMS". If the airsync:Class element is not included in the airsync:Options block, that set of options applies to the default class of the given folder, in which case, only the items of the default class for the given folder are synchronized. If no airsync:Options block is included in the Sync command request, only items of the default class for the given folder are synchronized.

A maximum of two airsync:Options blocks are allowed within a airsync:Collection block([MS-ASCMD] section, namely one for the default class of the given folder and one for SMS messages. The airsync:Class element MUST be set to "SMS" to indicate that the options apply to SMS messages. An SMS airsync:Options block can be included within any airsync:Collection block that specifies an e-mail folder.

For more details about the airsync:Class element as a child of the airsync:Options element, see section