Setting Up SAPI 5 (SAPI 5.4)

Microsoft Speech API 5.4

Chapter 1

Setting Up SAPI 5

You will need a copy of Visual C 6.0 with Service Pack 3 or later version. In general, any 32-bit C compiler will work. However, the samples assume Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 or later.

SAPI 5 Installation source.

This may be a SAPI developer's CD or the installer through another source (if available) such as the Microsoft Web site. The SAPI CD installs all the required components including the required dynamic link libraries (DLL), headers, registry entries, and other resources.


In addition to having up-to-date source files and examples, you need the reference API to look up interfaces and methods. Even though the examples are well commented and the tutorials contain narratives about the calls and approaches, the reference API explains each call in detail and to a greater extent than is possible in other sources.

Setting up

To configure your system for speech recognition, go to Speech properties in Control Panel and click the Speech Recognition tab. Speak into your microphone and observe the volume meter in the microphone window; if the meter registers the volume level the microphone works. Then click the Text-to-Speech tab. To test the audio output, click Preview Voice. The text in this section will be spoken, highlighting the words as they are spoken. If this is the case, then audio output also works. If neither works, see the Troubleshooting section.

It is also recommended that you use the microphone training wizard. From the Speech Recognition tab, click Train Profile. The training wizard instructs you in microphone placement and input level adjustment so that SAPI is able to recognize your commands. For most examples, the list of commands is quite limited and this training is not required.