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IPlaceMonitor.GetPlaceHistoryAsync Method

Returns time ordered list of places visited during given time period.

Namespace: Lumia.Sense
Assembly: Lumia.Sense (in Lumia.Sense.dll) Version:


IAsyncOperation<IList<Place>> GetPlaceHistoryAsync(
    DateTimeOffset startTime,
    TimeSpan span
Function GetPlaceHistoryAsync ( 
    startTime As DateTimeOffset,
    span As TimeSpan
) As IAsyncOperation(Of IList(Of Place))
IAsyncOperation<IList<Place^>^>^ GetPlaceHistoryAsync(
    [InAttribute] DateTimeOffset startTime, 
    [InAttribute] TimeSpan span
function GetPlaceHistoryAsync(startTime, span);


Return Value

Type: IAsyncOperation<IList<Place>>
Place history


Exception Condition
COMException All errors are thrown as instances of COMException. To get details about the error pass the HResult property of the exception to GetSenseError(Int32). This method can return the following SenseError enumeration values: InvalidParameter, SensorDeactivated, GeneralFailure, SenseDisabled, LocationDisabled

See Also

IPlaceMonitor Interface

IPlaceMonitor.IPlaceMonitor Members

Lumia.Sense Namespace