Quick Start for Windows Phone 8.1 Using HTML5 and JScript

This quick start topic demonstrates how to create an app for Windows Phone 8.1 by using HTML5 and JScript.

Create a new project

To create a new project, follow these steps:

  1. In Visual Studio, select File > New > Project...
  2. In the New Project window, select Other Languages > JavaScript > Blank App (Windows Phone).
  3. Press OK.


A project has now been created for you.

Include libraries to your project

Before starting to use the functionality provided by the SDK, the Lumia Imaging SDK libraries must be added to the project. For detailed instructions, please see the chapter Adding libraries to the project. Please remember to remove the Any CPU configuration.

Define your HTML5 UI

The UI we will build for this tutorial is very simple. There will be two HTML image controls and a button. One HTML image control will display the original image, and the other will display the filtered image.


Here are the steps to accomplish this:

  1. Open the Package.appxmanifest, select the Application tab, and check the boxes for Landscape and Landscape-flipped under Supported rotations.
  2. Open the Capabilities tab and check the box for Pictures Library capability.
  3. In the Solution Explorer pane in Visual Studio, open the default.html.
  4. Add all the controls that make our UI. In the HTML view, search for the body element.
<body class="phone">
  <p>Content goes here</p>

Replace the body and all its content with this code:

  <div id="contentGrid" >
    <div id="original">
      <img id="originalPhoto" src="" width="167" height="100" />
    <div id="filtered">
      <img id="filteredPhoto" src="" width="100%" height="100%" />
    <div id="buttons">
      <input id="loadButton" type="button" value="Pick an image" />

The only noteworthy thing in the code above is that we define the two images, filteredPhoto and originalPhoto, without specifying any source for the image to display. We will load the images later; code examples will also be given in the chapters below.

Pick an image from the camera roll

Next, open the default.css in the css folder. Replace the content with the following:

body {

#contentGrid {
  display: -ms-grid; 
  -ms-grid-rows: 85% 15%;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;    
  background-color: #1e90ff;

#original {
  -ms-grid-row: 1;
  margin: 12px 0px 0px 12px;
  z-index: 99;

#filtered {
  -ms-grid-row: 1;

#buttons {
  -ms-grid-row: 2;
  -ms-grid-row-align: center;
  -ms-grid-column-align: center;

#loadButton {
  margin-left: 10px;

The code block above is for setting the layout of the screen.


For picking the image, we will use the FileOpenPicker, which is part of the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK. You should note that this code is different for Windows and Windows Phone. In Windows, you must use the pickSingleFileAsync method, and in Windows Phone, you would use the pickSingleFileAndContinue method. Open the default.js file inside the js folder and replace the app.onactivated with the following:

app.onactivated = function (args)
    if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch)
      if (args.detail.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated)
          // TODO: This application has been newly launched. Initialize
          // your application here.
          // TODO: This application has been reactivated from suspension.
          // Restore the application state here.

      var getPhotoButton = document.getElementById("loadButton");
      getPhotoButton.addEventListener("click", getPhotoButtonClickHandler, false);
    else if (args.detail.kind == activation.ActivationKind.pickFileContinuation)
        var file = args.detail.detail[0].files[0];
        var imageBlob = URL.createObjectURL(file);
        document.getElementById("originalPhoto").src = imageBlob;

pickSingleFileAndContinue will launch the file picker. When the user has chosen a photo, control is returned to the application through the app.onactivated method, where we check if the activation was done through FilePicker by checking the parameter detail type against ActivationKind.pickFileContinuation. There we set the originalPhoto to show the image we just loaded, and call the loadImage method, which will have the Imaging SDK specific code.

To open the FileOpenPicker, we need to add the following method to the default.js file:

function getPhotoButtonClickHandler(args) 
    var openPicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker();
    openPicker.suggestedStartLocation =
    openPicker.viewMode =



Use FilterEffect to decode an image with an effect

Finally, we are ready to use the Lumia Imaging SDK!

We have now access to the file that the user selected, and we need to implement the filter and rendering to the image. In this tutorial, we apply the Cartoon filter and the Flip filter to the image, and then save it and display the resulting image in the HTML img control. The complete code of the loadImage becomes:

function loadImage(file)
    if (file)
        var cartoonFilter = new Lumia.Imaging.Artistic.CartoonFilter();
        var flipFilter = new Lumia.Imaging.Transforms.FlipFilter(Lumia.Imaging.Transforms.FlipMode.horizontal);
        var imageStream = new Lumia.Imaging.StorageFileImageSource(file);
        var filterEffect = new Lumia.Imaging.FilterEffect(imageStream);
        var list = new Array();

        list[0] = flipFilter;
        list[1] = cartoonFilter;
        filterEffect.filters = list;

        var renderer = new Lumia.Imaging.JpegRenderer(filterEffect);

        // Create the filtered file and save it.
        renderer.renderAsync().then(function (buffer) {
            Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.picturesLibrary.createFileAsync("cartoon.jpg", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting).then(function (storagefile) {
                storagefile.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite).then(function (storageStream) {
                    storageStream.writeAsync(buffer).then(function () {
                        var imageBlob = URL.createObjectURL(storagefile, { oneTimeOnly: true });
                        document.getElementById("filteredPhoto").src = imageBlob;

First, create the filters and set the image stream from the selected image. Then, create a list of filters which we pass to the JpegRenderer. Finally, save the filtered image and update the screen with the new image. The JpegRenderer takes the FilterEffect as a parameter to apply to the final image. After the rendering is done, we use the createFileAsync method to save the image as cartoon.jpg to the picture library and load it to the screen.

Running the application

To run the application:

  1. In the standard toolbar in Visual Studio, select Device or Emulator, and then select Debug.
  2. Build the application.
  3. Connect a device (if you are deploying it on device) and run.
  4. Select an image using the "Pick an image" button.
  5. You should see the main page containing the decoded image with a Cartoon style filter effect added.

If you are testing an app on an emulator, you may experience an emulator bug. If your app can't see any content in the pictures library, it is likely a result of a bug in the emulator.

If you need to access the in-built images, you need to open the photos app at least once before you begin testing your application. Once you browse through the photos, the content will become available to your app.

Get the complete source

The complete code for the tutorial: Lumia Imaging Quick Start