IEffectGroup.PrepareGroup Method

Prepare the internal structure of the effect group prior to loading and rendering.

Namespace: Lumia.Imaging.Custom
Assembly: Lumia.Imaging (in Lumia.Imaging.dll) Version:


IImageProvider PrepareGroup(
    IImageProvider groupSource
Function PrepareGroup ( 
    groupSource As IImageProvider
) As IImageProvider
IImageProvider^ PrepareGroup(
    [InAttribute] IImageProvider^ groupSource
function PrepareGroup(groupSource);


Return Value

Type: IImageProvider
The result IImageProvider of the effect group. Note that only a weak reference is made by the caller. The implementor of this interface should hold a strong reference.


The effect group should connect the group source to any member effect that needs it. The effect group should also finalize any other internal connections between member effects during this call, and return the member effect that provides the result image.

Version Information

Lumia Imaging SDK

Supported in: 2.0

See Also

IEffectGroup Interface

IEffectGroup.IEffectGroup Members

Lumia.Imaging.Custom Namespace