IColorFrame Interface

Represents a color frame for color images.


interface IColorFrame : public IUnknown


IColorFrame has the following members.


Name Description
AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer Gets a pointer to the color frame data.
CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray Copies the color frame data converted into the requested format to a byte array.
CopyRawFrameDataToArray Copies the raw frame data into the array provided.
CreateFrameDescription Creates a FrameDescription object for the ColorFrame of the requested format.
get_ColorCameraSettings Gets the color camera settings.
get_ColorFrameSource Gets the source of the color frame.
get_FrameDescription Gets the description of the color frame.
get_RawColorImageFormat Gets the format of the color frame data.
get_RelativeTime Gets the timestamp of the color frame.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib