IAudioBeamSubFrame Interface

Represents and audio beam sub frame.


interface IAudioBeamSubFrame : public IUnknown


IAudioBeamSubFrame has the following members.


Name Description
AccessUnderlyingBuffer Returns a pointer to audio beam sub frame data.
CopyFrameDataToArray Copies the infrared frame data to an unsigned short array.
get_AudioBeamMode Gets the audio beam mode, which detemines the type of beam angle.
get_AudioBodyCorrelationCount Gets a collection of audio body correlations.
get_BeamAngle Gets the beam angle, which is the direction that the sensor is actively listening.
get_BeamAngleConfidence Gets the confidence in the beam angle; the range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1 is the highest possible confidence.
get_Duration Gets the duration of the audio beam sub frame.
get_FrameLengthInBytes Gets the length of a frame in bytes.
get_RelativeTime Gets the relative time of this sub frame.
GetAudioBodyCorrelation Returns the AudioBodyCorrelation associated with the sub frame which contains a body tracking id.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib