IAudioBeamFrameReader Interface

Represents an audio frame reader.


interface IAudioBeamFrameReader : public IUnknown


IAudioBeamFrameReader has the following members.


Name Description
AcquireLatestBeamFrames Gets the latest audio beam frames.
get_AudioSource Gets the audio source.
get_IsPaused Gets a boolean that indicates if this reader is paused.
GetFrameArrivedEventData Gets the Frame Arrived data when a new frame is ready.
put_IsPaused Sets a boolean that pauses or resumes the reader.
SubscribeFrameArrived Event handler to subscribe when a new frame is ready.
UnsubscribeFrameArrived Unsubscribes an event handler to the audio beam frame reader based on the event handler's handle.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib