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AlcoholDeclarationOXML_RU::printJournalTransBranchSet Method [AX 2012]

Prints the declaration for the number of branches that is passed as a parameter.


client server public static void printJournalTransBranchSet(
    AlcoholDeclarationJournalTrans_RU _journalTrans, 
    container _packedSet, 
   [boolean _groupByAlcoholAuthorityId, 
    boolean _printHeadAuthority])

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  • _packedSet
    Type: container
    The packed set of record IDs for records in the AlcoholDeclarationJournalTransBranch_RU table that have to be printed.
  • _groupByAlcoholAuthorityId
    Type: boolean
    A value that indicates whether to group printed data by AlcoholAuthorityId and print a separate report for each authority.
  • _printHeadAuthority
    Type: boolean
    A value that indicates whether to print the alcohol regulation authority from the head separate division.

See Also


AlcoholDeclarationOXML_RU Class