MPI Communicator Functions

In this section

  • MPI_Comm_compare
    Compares two communicator handles.

  • MPI_Comm_create
    Extracts a subset a group of processes for the purpose of separate Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) computation in a separate communicator.

  • MPI_Comm_dup
    Duplicates an existing communicator with associated key values.

  • MPI_Comm_free
    Frees a communicator that is allocated with the MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_create, or MPI_Comm_split functions.

  • MPI_Comm_rank
    Retrieves the rank of the calling process in the group of the specified communicator.

  • MPI_Comm_size
    Retrieves the number of processes involved in a communicator, or the total number of processes available.

  • MPI_Comm_split
    Partitions the group that is associated with the specified communicator into a specified number of disjoint subgroups.

  • MPI_Comm_remote_group
    Accesses the remote group associated with the given inter-communicator.

  • MPI_Comm_remote_size
    Determines the size of the remote group associated with an inter-communictor.

  • MPI_Comm_test_inter
    Tests to see if a comm is an inter-communicator.

  • MPI_Intercomm_create
    Creates an intercommuncator from two intracommunicators.

  • MPI_Intercomm_merge
    Creates an intracommuncator from an intercommunicator.