IRDPViewerInputSink Methods

[The IRDPViewerInputSink interface is no longer available for use for UWP applications as of Windows 10, version 1709. It is still supported for Desktop apps.]

The IRDPViewerInputSink interface exposes the following methods.

In this section

AddTouchInput method

Accepts a description of a touch input.

BeginTouchFrame method

Begins to accept a series of touch inputs.

EndTouchFrame method

Stops to accept a series of touch inputs.

SendKeyboardEvent method

Sends a keyboard event message.

SendMouseButtonEvent method

Sends a mouse button event message.

SendMouseMoveEvent method

Sends a mouse move event message.

SendMouseWheelEvent method

Sends a mouse wheel event message.

SendSyncEvent method

Sends an event message to indicate a change in the state of the keyboard, such as when the Caps Lock key is pressed.