IWindowsDeviceEnrollmentService_RequestSecurityToken_OutputMessage Message

A WSDL message containing the response for the RequestSecurityToken WSDL operation.

The SOAP action value is:


The IWindowsDeviceEnrollmentService_RequestSecurityToken_OutputMessage ([WSTrust1.3] section 3.2 RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection). The WSDL definition is:

 <wsdl:message name="IWindowsDeviceEnrollmentService_RequestSecurityToken_OutputMessage">
   <wsdl:part name="responseCollection" element="wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection"/>

The IWindowsDeviceEnrollmentService_RequestSecurityToken_OutputMessage message contains the elements that are part of a server response to a client.

The following elements MUST be included in the SOAP body.

  • wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection: Defined in section

    This element MUST be a child of the <s:Body> element.

  • wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse: Defined in section

    This element MUST be a child of the <wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection> element (see [WSTrust1.3] section 3.2).

  • wst:TokenType: Defined in section The <wst:TokenType> element MUST be http://schemas.microsoft.com/

    This element MUST be a child of the <wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse> element (see [WSTrust1.3] section 3.1).

  • wst:RequestedSecurityToken: Defined in section

    This element MUST be a child of the <wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse> element.

  • wsse:BinarySecurityToken: Defined in section The ValueType attribute MUST be http://schemas.microsoft.com/ The EncodingType attribute MUST be http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd#base64binary. The <wsse:BinarySecurityToken> element MUST contain a base64 encoded XML document formatted as a Provisioning Document (section The XML document MUST contain an X.509 Certificate [RFC5280].

    This element MUST be a child of the <wst:RequestedSecurityToken> element.

  • ac:AdditionalContext: Defined in section (See [WSFederation] section 9.2).

    This element MUST be a child of the <wst:RequestSecurityTokenResponse> element.

  • ac:ContextItem: Defined in section The request MUST provide the following information in <ac:ContextItem> elements as child elements of the <ac:AdditionalContext> element.

    Name attribute


    The literal string: "UserPrincipalName" 

    The <ac:Value> element contains the value of the http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn claim in the JWT that was sent to the server (section