CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode property

Specifies the slice control mode. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2.

Data type


Property GUID


Property value

Slice control mode values:

Value Meaning
Setting this value to 0 indicates that the CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlSize property will specify the slice size in units of macroblocks per slice.
Setting this value to 1 indicates that the CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlSize property will specify the slice size in units of bits per slice.
Setting this value to 2 indicates that the CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlSize property will specify the slice size in units of macroblock rows per slice.

The encoder returns the values that it supports.


H.264/AVC encoders:

It is recommended that the encoder supports GetValue, SetValue, and GetParameterRange.

If SetValue is not called for CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode, GetValue for CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode can return VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_CURRENT_VALUE. GetDefaultValue may return VFW_E_CODECAPI_NO_DEFAULT for CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode.

Recommended default value is 2 (size in MB row per slice).

This is a static API, which means the application won t change this while the encoder is running.


if (pCodecAPI->IsSupported(&CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode) == S_OK) {                
     VARIANT var;
     var.vt = VT_UI4;
     var.ulVal =ulSliceMode;
     pCodecAPI->SetValue(&CODECAPI_AVEncSliceControlMode, &var);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 8.1 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]

See also

Media Foundation Properties