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Global Location Number (GLN)

A Global Location Number (GLN) is an electronic address that you can use when you send an electronic invoice. This number uniquely identifies the buyer’s billing address.

GLN Location Numbers in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Departments, directorates, agencies, and other organizations in the Norwegian public sector have GLN location numbers, which uniquely identifies the bill-to address of the customer. If your company has a customer who is in the public sector, you must submit invoices and other documents electronically by using Elektronisk Handelsformat (EHF). In order to do that, you must specify the customer’s GLN location number. For more information, see How to: Set Up Customers for EHF.

A GLN location number has a fixed length of 13 digits. This number must be processed in its entirety. The number will include an assigned company prefix, a location reference, and a check digit. The following is an example of a GLN number.


See Also


How to: Set Up Customers for EHF


EHF Electronic Invoicing in Norway