Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework Namespace

The Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework namespace contains Entity Framework implementations of identity types.


  Class Description
Public class IdentityDbContext Default db context that uses the default entity types
Public class IdentityDbContext<TUser> IdentityDbContext of IdentityUsers
Public class IdentityRole Represents a Role entity
Public class IdentityUser Default EntityFramework IUser implementation
Public class IdentityUserClaim EntityType that represents one specific user claim
Public class IdentityUserLogin Entity type for a user's login (i.e. facebook, google)
Public class IdentityUserRole EntityType that represents a user belonging to a role
Public class RoleStore<TRole> EntityFramework based implementation
Public class UserStore<TUser> Implements IUserStore using EntityFramework where TUser is the entity type of the user being stored