MailToExtensions.Mailto Method


Mails to the specified extensions for the MVC.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Web.Mvc
Assembly:  Microsoft.Web.Mvc (in Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll)

Overload List

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text and email address.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and html attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and html attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, String)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and subject.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject and html attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject and html attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, String, String, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject, body, cc, bcc, and html attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Mailto(HtmlHelper, String, String, String, String, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject, body, cc, bcc, and html attributes.

See Also

MailToExtensions Class
Microsoft.Web.Mvc Namespace

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text and email address.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        htmlAttributes:IDictionary<string, Object> -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    htmlAttributes As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    object htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    Object^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        htmlAttributes:Object -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    htmlAttributes As Object
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address and subject.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    string subject
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    String^ subject
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        subject:string -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    subject As String
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    string subject,
    IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    String^ subject,
    IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        subject:string *
        htmlAttributes:IDictionary<string, Object> -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    subject As String,
    htmlAttributes As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    string subject,
    object htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    String^ subject,
    Object^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        subject:string *
        htmlAttributes:Object -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    subject As String,
    htmlAttributes As Object
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String, String, String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject, body, cc, bcc, and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    string subject,
    string body,
    string cc,
    string bcc,
    IDictionary<string, object> htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    String^ subject,
    String^ body,
    String^ cc,
    String^ bcc,
    IDictionary<String^, Object^>^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        subject:string *
        body:string *
        cc:string *
        bcc:string *
        htmlAttributes:IDictionary<string, Object> -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    subject As String,
    body As String,
    cc As String,
    bcc As String,
    htmlAttributes As IDictionary(Of String, Object)
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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MailToExtensions.Mailto Method (HtmlHelper, String, String, String, String, String, String, Object)

Mails to the specified extensions using the helper, link text, email address, subject, body, cc, bcc, and html attributes.


public static MvcHtmlString Mailto(
    this HtmlHelper helper,
    string linkText,
    string emailAddress,
    string subject,
    string body,
    string cc,
    string bcc,
    object htmlAttributes
static MvcHtmlString^ Mailto(
    HtmlHelper^ helper,
    String^ linkText,
    String^ emailAddress,
    String^ subject,
    String^ body,
    String^ cc,
    String^ bcc,
    Object^ htmlAttributes
static member Mailto : 
        helper:HtmlHelper *
        linkText:string *
        emailAddress:string *
        subject:string *
        body:string *
        cc:string *
        bcc:string *
        htmlAttributes:Object -> MvcHtmlString
Public Shared Function Mailto (
    helper As HtmlHelper,
    linkText As String,
    emailAddress As String,
    subject As String,
    body As String,
    cc As String,
    bcc As String,
    htmlAttributes As Object
) As MvcHtmlString


Return Value

Type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString

Mails to the specified extensions.

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