DMFEntityWriterService Class [AX 2012]

The DmfEntityWriterService class is used to import data from external file to ax.


class DMFEntityWriterService

Run On



  Method Description
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif calculateNoOfThreads Calculates number of threads.
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif cancelTimeOut Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.privmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif createEntityWriterRequest Function that creates the DataContact object based on start and end index.
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif equal Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif executeWrite Updates a record in DMFBatchStatusTable table.
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif getTimeOutTimerHandle Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif handle Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif new Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notify Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif notifyAll Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif objectOnServer Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif owner Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif setTimeOut Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif targetService Service entry point to import data from a file to ax.This method will check for the processing group, if exists then updates the record set in DMFDefinitionGroupExecution table. For each entity, mapping will be created between source to staging and staging to target. Once the mapping is created successfully, it will copy the data first from source to staging, validates the data and then copies from staging to target.
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif toString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif usageCount Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif wait Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.)
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif write Calculates number of threads.
Dn489383.pubmethod(en-us,AX.60).gif xml Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)


Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Class
  DMFEntityWriterService Class