VsaEngine Interface

This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespace:  Microsoft_VsaVb
Assembly:  Microsoft_VsaVb (in Microsoft_VsaVb.dll)


<GuidAttribute("E0C0FFE1-7EEA-4EE2-B7E4-0080C7EB0B74")> _
Public Interface VsaEngine _
    Inherits IVsaEngine
public interface VsaEngine : IVsaEngine
public interface class VsaEngine : IVsaEngine
type VsaEngine =  
        interface IVsaEngine 
public interface VsaEngine extends IVsaEngine

The VsaEngine type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Assembly Gets a reference to the running assembly generated by the Run method. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Evidence Provides evidence for the purpose of validating the current object's identity. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property GenerateDebugInfo Sets or gets a Boolean value that signifies whether the script engine produces debug information when the Compile method is called. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property IsCompiled (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property IsDirty Gets a Boolean value that reports whether the script engine's source state has changed since the last save operation, or since the script engine was originally loaded. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property IsRunning Gets a Boolean value that reports whether the script engine is currently in run mode. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Items Gets the IVsaItems collection of IVsaItem objects, which represent all items added to the script engine using the CreateItem method, including code items, reference items, and global items. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Language Gets the nonlocalized name of the programming language supported by the script engine. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property LCID Gets or sets the geographical locale and language in which to report exception messages. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Name Sets or gets the display name of the script engine that is used primarily for identifying individual script engines to users in a hosted environment. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property RootMoniker Sets or gets a script engine's root moniker. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property RootNamespace Sets or gets the root namespace used by the script engine. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Site Sets or gets the host-implemented IVsaSite object that is used by the script engine to communicate with the host. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public property Version Gets the current version of the language compiler supported by the script engine, in the form Major.Minor.Revision.Build. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)



  Name Description
Public method Close Closes the script engine and releases all resources. If the script engine is currently running, the Reset method is called first. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method Compile Causes the script engine to compile the existing source state. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method GetOption Gets implementation-specific options for a script engine. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method InitNew Provides a notification that the initialization phase is complete and that the script engine is prepared for the addition of IVsaItem objects. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method IsValidIdentifier Checks whether the supplied identifier is valid for the script engine. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method LoadSourceState Directs the script engine to load source items from their point of persistence, as specified by the host-provided object that implements the IVsaPersistSite interface. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method Reset Removes the script engine from the running state and disconnects automatically bound event handlers. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method RevokeCache Invalidates the cached assembly for a script engine, as specified by its root moniker. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method Run Initiates execution of compiled code in the script engine and binds all event handlers. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method SaveCompiledState Saves the compiled state of the script engine; optionally, it also saves debugging information. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method SaveSourceState Directs the script engine to persist its source state to the specified IVsaPersistSite object. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)
Public method SetOption Sets implementation-specific options for a script engine. (Inherited from IVsaEngine.)


See Also


Microsoft_VsaVb Namespace